We know that the future can sometimes be a scary thing. That’s why we would like to invite you to discover the words that predicted 2,500 years of history

Begins Monday Evening from 7pm August 1, 2022

Series continues Wed Aug 3, Mon Aug 10, Wed Aug 12, then on Monday evenings only  

Evenings run from 7pm-9pm

Held at Morphett Vale Adventist Church 130 Pimpala Rd

Register HERE or BELOW

Opening Night Monday August 1, 7pm. 

Who will control the World

For thousands of years people have tried to discover what the future holds in an effort to gain an edge over fate. They have interpreted the words of the prophets, searched religious texts and studied the alignment of the planets for a glimpse of what the future might have in store. Come and explore the fascinating world of Bible prophecy.

Signs That Jesus Is Coming

The world is heading towards a climactic event. The Jews are looking for their Messiah. The Muslims are expecting the prophet Isa, while the Christians are waiting for the soon return of Jesus. In this presentation we will outline the latest research on the key events that are taking place around the world. We invite you to discover the exciting future for yourself.

Wednesday August 3, 7pm. 

How Will The World End?

A sculpture of the Sun in Adelaide's Mt Lofty Botanical Gardens declares that we feed off the energy provided by the sun, and one distant day we will be consumed by it! Is the future this gloomy? In this presentation we will see what the Bible says about the destiny of planet Earth. The future may surprise you.

The War Zone. 

Have you ever wondered why hatred, violence and evil exist? Who or what is responsible for it? If God is so good then why does the world seem so bad? It seems that no matter where one looks, this planet is right in the heart of a war zone. What on earth is going on?

Monday August 8, 7pm. 

Mystery Man of Prophecy 

In what may be the greatest of all prophecies, the ancient prophet Daniel predicted important events in the history of the Jews. This included the exact date for the coming of the Messiah!

Steps to Spiritual Freedom 

Do you want to feel happy and content? Do you feel at times as if you are captive to guilt, discouragement, deep-seated addictions, abuse, self-centeredness, or low self-esteem? This program demonstrates in a practical way the good news that a loving God has developed a rescue plan for you.

Wednesday August 10, 7pm.

Inside The Golden Ark of the Covenant

One of the most fascinating mysteries of all time is the disappearance of the Ark of the Covenant. Where is it today? Why is the Ark so treasured and what was inside it that needed great protection? In this program you will discover the true meaning and importance of the powerful contents within the Ark of the Covenant.

Rest For The Soul

Today’s fast-paced, multi-tasking and socially disconnected lifestyle has resulted in unprecedented levels of stress. Does God have a solution to help us rest in a restless world? What did Jesus say to those weighed down by hard work and personal burdens?

Series Continues on Monday nights only at 7pm. Continuing topics include

Living Life to the Full  & Symbol of the Sun;   Who is the Antichrist pt 1 & 2;   The final Superpower & the Mark of the Beast;   Life after Death & What and where is Hell;   1000 years of Peace & Buried under the Water;   The Judgement & Why so Many Churches;   The Secret to Success


Each session you will receive a free full colour guide or booklet that goes along with each presentation.  These will help guide you and are yours to keep.

This is a Free Event 

Meet the Presenter. 

Pr Travis Manners has been presenting on numerous subjects, including Bible prophecy, both locally, nationally and internationally for over 25 years.

He is excited to share these topics, especially given the times that we are living in, and believes that as we explore together you will be able to find wellbeing, hope and certainty for the future. 

Don't miss out on this amazing series.


Starts Monday Evening August 1, 7-9pm.

Morphett Vale Adventist Church 

130 Pimpala Rd, Morphett Vale, S.A. 

Or for more information call Lauren on 0411 384 501.