Dr Timothy Jennings Live in Adelaide

Friday March 1, Saturday March 2

Join Dr Timothy R Jennings, Christian psychiatrist,  international speaker and author of the best selling book The God Shaped Brain, in his first time visit to Adelaide.

Dr Jennings will be speaking, in person at Morphett Vale Adventist Church as part of his Australian tour on the weekend on March 1-2, 2019. This is a free event with an opportunity to donate towards expenses. Don't miss out.

Friday March 1, 2019

6pm: The Developing Brain

Experience changes brain structure and function.Beginning before conception, continuing in utero and through life, explore how environment, experience and choice alter human DNA and impact brain structure and function. The human brain is pliable and changeable and our experience causes our brain to change. This change begins in our parents genes prior to our conception, continues in the womb and persists throughout life. In this presentation we will explore how parental choices affect the developing brain and follow that through into childhood to explore how healthy nurturing, traumatic experience, diet, addictive substances, television, and even belief in God alter our, genes, brain structure and brain function.


1.   Discuss environmental influences to brain development

2.   Recognise the significance of trans-generational epigentic influences to human DNA and brain function

3.   Identify specific interventions to promote healthy brain development

7pm Light tea provided

(to register for the tea for catering purposes click here)


7:45pm Healthy Love versus Love Addiction 

What is love? Can you tell the difference between genuine love and love’s counterfeits? Would you like to experience greater depths of healthy love in your life and relationships? Come discover the power of genuine love to heal your life.


  1. Distinguish the difference between healthy love and dependency and identify common misconceptions which foster dependency dynamics.
  2. Apply a simple test to individuals to determine if they are practising dependent or love based living.
  3.  Identify the damaging consequences to brain, body and relationships that result from dependency and contrast this with the healing effects of genuine love.  



Saturday March 2, 2019

10am The Mind – God’s Design & What Went Wrong 

Have you ever felt your mind was confused? Have you ever fought with yourself, your better judgement telling you one thing but powerful feelings pulling you another direction? Has your better judgement ever lost that fight? Come discover how to empower yourself to win those battles and experience a healthier life.


  1. •       Diagram an organizational model for the faculties of the mind
  2. •       Describe how selfishness (egocentrism) has damaged this design; and,
  3. •       Contrast this model with Beck’s CBT, Sullivan’s Object Relations and Freud’s Structural theories


11.30am The God-Shaped Brain: How Changing Your View of God Transforms Your Life

Our brains are in a constant state of flux. Moment by moment new connections are forming, idle tracks are being pruned back and brain circuits are changing. Discover how our beliefs change our brain wiring, our physical health, and even which genes are turned on or turned off. Do your beliefs matter – more than you ever knew!


  1. Identify the relationship between belief and physical and mental health.
  2. Examine the scientific evidence documenting how a change in belief can alter brain function resulting in a change in health.
  3. Formulate a methodology for separating healthy from unhealthy beliefs


1pm: Combined Lunch

A combined (Pot Luck)  lunch. People will be bringing a plate of vegetarian food or desert to share on the day. Feel free to contribute or just come along.  


2:30pm: The Aging Brain 

What happens to the brain as we age? Are we doomed to lose our memories and become senile? Are there choices we can make to protect our brain from the ravages of time? In this presentation we will examine the evidence-based lifestyle and non-phamracological interventions which will protect your brain and diminish your risk of dementia.


  1. Identify risk factors that accelerate the aging process.
  2. Differentiate normal aging from pathological aging (dementia).
  3. Identify evidence based lifestyle factors and non-drug interventions that slow the aging process and prevent dementia



Morphett Vale Seventh-day Adventist Church - 130 Pimpala Rd Morphett Vale